
‘Blackgaze’ és ‘Jazz Metal’ Sebastian e heti műsoraiban (H,Sz,Cs,S 12h, „Élő adás” gomb!)

Folytatódik Sebastian Cooper zenei ínyencségeket bemutató műsorsorozata a héten is – az „Élő adás” gombra kattintva hallgatható! Hétfőn és csütörtökön déltől „jazz metal”, szerdán és szombaton déltől pedig „blackgaze” zenék hallgathatók, Sebastian angol nyelvű hozzáfűzéseivel. Hogy mit takarnak ezek a kifejezések? Íme:

Blackgaze is a fusion genre combining elements of black metal, shoegazing and post metal.
It originated from France in the early to mid 2000’s. The typical instruments used are electric guitar, bass guitar, drums, keyboards, synthesizer and vocals.

Shoegazing (or shoegaze, initially referred to as „dream pop”)is a subgenre of indie and alternative rock that emerged in the United Kingdom in the late 1980s. It is characterized by its ethereal-sounding mixture of obscured vocals, guitar distortion and effects, feedback, and overwhelming volume.

Jazz Metal is a subgenre of heavy metal music loosely defined by use of experimentation and characterized by the use of innovative, avant-garde elements, large-scale experimentation, and the use of non-standard and unconventional sounds, instruments, song structures, playing styles, and vocal techniques. It evolved out of progressive rock, jazz fusion, and extreme metal, particularly death metal.

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